What Is Distance Healing?


What is Distance Healing?


Distance healing is a method of healing where energy is sent across time and space to the recipient, and has a positive impact on their health. You don't need to be physically present with the healer to undergo this type of treatment. It can be conducted at a mutually agreed-upon time between the practitioner and the client.


Alternative energy healing and holistic medicine therapies are equally effective in person or remotely. This is because they work with the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of an individual by accessing their energy body. The energy body can be accessed from anywhere at any time and does not require physical presence with the practitioner.


Time and Space Are An Illusion


Many of us see the physical world as limited and divided. We believe that time and space are real, fixed concepts that restrict us. This limited perception makes us think that things are separated by distance, and that time only moves forward.

The way we perceive time is one of the factors that connects us to the physical realm, but it can also restrict our ability to create change and experience instant healing. According to shamanic healers, time is an illusion.

Time and space are illusions that we have chosen to believe in. Although they help us stay grounded in our physical experience, they can limit us from gaining a deeper understanding of life. With practice, we can transcend or alter these perceptions.


Transcend Time and Space

When a healer conducts a distance healing session, they transcend beyond the limits of time and space. They use various techniques to alter their perception and enter the Theta brainwave state, also known as the "waking dream" state. This state enables them to shift their perspective to a realm where there is no separation between things, time and space are not fixed, and time flows both forward and backward. The location in time where they choose to focus depends solely on their awareness and perception.


Scientific Basis

What healers and practitioners of holistic medicine have known for centuries, modern science is only now beginning to understand and explain. Recent discoveries in quantum physics provide scientific evidence for many of the holistic healing phenomena that have been observed for centuries.

Quantum physics has revealed that time isn't fixed, nor is it linear, only flowing in one direction. Time is fluid and flows forward and backward simultaneously. This means that your future can affect you as much as your past, and your past can be altered as much as your future. From this perspective, everything is happening at once, and there's no past or future, only the present moment.

Science is revealing that space or "distance" between objects is not as separate as it may seem. Our perception of things being separate from us is limited and illusory. This is due to our belief that time and space are fixed when in reality, they are not.


Entangled Quantum State

Scientists at the University of Geneva in Switzerland proved the theory of "quantum entanglement" in 1997. They used photons of light to demonstrate that two photons created by dividing a single photon into two "twins" behave as if they are still the same. This phenomenon challenges traditional notions of space and time.

The universe is made up of the same matter, which means that it can never be truly separated. This implies that the universe is like a hologram, where each piece contains the whole, and the piece itself is the whole, and vice versa. If you want to learn more about the fascinating scientific discoveries that explain how everything in the universe is interconnected and how communication between things that appear separate is not only possible but absolute, I recommend reading "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden.


How is Distance Healing Possible?

Distance healing is a concept discussed by alternative energy healers, who claim that they can send healing energy to someone who is not physically present with them. Some healers describe this process as sending energy across time and space, or even through fiber optics to reach the intended recipient. However, these statements create the misconception that time and space are fixed and tangible. In reality, this is not the case.

Energy doesn't move physically from one place to another. Instead, it is transferred through intention and transmitted instantly. Our language unintentionally reinforces the idea that time and space are fixed concepts and objects are disconnected from each other.

I am finding it difficult to describe the immediate effects of distance healing using words that are limited by our current understanding of time and space. However, if you can comprehend that altered states of perception can lead to a different experience of time and space, you will begin to understand how this is achievable.


The Waking Dream State


The perception within a healer's world may feel like a waking dream. By altering our brainwaves to the theta state, we become capable of understanding, perceiving, and experiencing a sense of unity among all things. This state allows us to realize that there is no distance or separation between things.

The healer enters an altered state, accessing information and transmitting healing energy instantly. Past, present, and future are simultaneous, with all information readily available. The healer can gain knowledge and change outcomes by accessing certain reference points.


Does Distance Healing Work?

Distance healing is as effective as in-person sessions. During my practice, I use ZOOM for hypnosis sessions and use REMOTE sessions for the others because I work with the energy body. This allows me to concentrate more on the healing process and not be distracted by the physical body. I have found that I often get extremely accurate readings and positive results, as in in-person sessions. The effectiveness of distance healing depends on the power of intention, the belief of the healer, and the receptivity of the receiver. Therefore, it works!


Always Get Permission to do A Distance Healing

I believe it's important to mention that obtaining the client's consent is crucial in any healing profession. It is not ethical to send energy into someone's space without their knowledge or permission, even if the intention is to heal. Therefore, it is always essential to get the client's permission before performing any healing.

It is also important to note that one should only use distance energy work for the greater good. Intending to harm another via distance energy work is a serious violation of universal laws and will undoubtedly have negative consequences. I use distance healing work only in the service of the Creator of All that Is and for the highest good of all involved, and only after obtaining permission from the client.


Healing Via ZOOM

I do my hypnosis sessions over the internet via ZOOM. The sessions (Inner Liberation Healing and The Rays of God Healing) are done completely remotely where the client sends me their issues via email and I then work on these at the specific time they have booked. You can use my online scheduler to book a session.

As I mentioned earlier some healers will tell you that the healing is “traveling” over the fiber optics of the internet, but it has nothing to do with that. The internet connection is only necessary so that I can communicate with you, or in the case of the hypnosis sessions to have you present when we are doing the work and I can see and talk to you directly.

The healing transcends time and space with the energy healing I do and has nothing to do with the efficacy of the healing.

To schedule your distance healing session, just click here:


With Love

